Donald Trump

En forudsigelse – Prediction (Dansk -English). -Modtaget den 12 februar 2025. - ragnarok nu. Donald Trump bliver fyret fra sit embede inden længe. Han sidder tiden ud, tror du. Det gør han (ikke*). Forstå at verden vil det anderledes end han. Det får han at mærke. USA får en lærestreg de aldrig glemmer.” En kanalisering af Julien C. H. Andersen. * Ikke, var svært at høre, så den er usikker. Foto: Pixabay -Received February 12, 2025.- "There is a world before Donald Trump - and a world after Donald Trump. There will be ragnarok now. Donald Trump will be fired from office before long. He will serve out his time, you think. He will (not*). Understand that the world wants it differently than he does. He will feel it. The United States will learn a lesson they will never forget." A channeling by Julien C. H. Andersen. * No, it was hard to hear, so it is uncertain.
Photo: Pixabay
#Prediction #forecast #prophecy #forudsigelse #USA #PredicitionDonaldTrump #ProphecyDonaldTrump #ForudsigelseDonaldTrump #JulienCHAndersen