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Forfatters billedeJulien C. H. Andersen

Krigen slutter - The war ends.

Demokratiet har haft trange kår i Rusland de seneste år. Tyranner og demokrati går ikke godt i spænd sammen. Havde Putin valgt demokratiets vej, ville historien været blevet en anden. Det er det valg mange ledere har: At ville herske eller lede. En leder viser vejen frem, en hersker undertrykker. Putin har valgt det sidste. Det bliver hans endelig. Han overlever ikke. Hans dage er talte, ligesom Ukraines dage er talte i sin nuværende form. Ukraine har kæmpet en heroisk kamp forgæves, tror I, hvis de taber. Jeg siger jer, ingen kamp er forgæves, når det gælder demokrati, næstekærlighed og at hjælpe. De frø der er sået overalt i verden ved deres kamp, vil bære frugt på længere sigt. Ukraines kamp er alles kamp for frihed, demokrati og næstekærlighed. Den er vokset overalt under krigen. Lad Mig give jer et eksempel: Alle er på et eller andet sted parate til at give sit bidrag til kampen. Nogle åbner deres hjem for flygtninge, andre giver donationer og alle betaler højere priser for fødevarer og brændstof. Alle er berørte af krigen. Nu til det svære: Rusland vinder. I kommer til at fortsætte kampen lidt endnu. Verden bliver kastet ud i ragnaroks, når det sker. Alle kommer I til at bidrage, nogle ved at give, andre ved at undvære. Næstekærlighed og demokrati er at hjælpe. Det er den eneste farbare vej frem, også selv om Rusland vil det anderledes. Kærligheden og demokrati ligger i alles hjerter, også i det russiske folks hjerter. Mange af dem lider ligesom det ukrainske folk lider: For fædre, mødre og børn overalt er krigen et åg, der er tungt at bære. Mange mødre, fædre og søskende har mistet et barn, en søster eller en bror i krigen. Mange står forældreløse. Krig er uhyrlig. Kun få tjener deres brød på den slags ondskab: Våben-producenterne har kronede dage. Når Putin er væk, og den dag kommer, går verden lysere tider i møde. Der bliver tid til forsoning og demokrati vil igen have vind i sejlene i Rusland. Ukraine vil igen blive frit, og være et land mellem andre demokratiske lande og nationer.” En kanalisering af Julien C. H. Andersen. ----------- Received on 10 July 2023. The Great War has begun to reach its end. -

"The great war in Eastern Europe has begun to reach its end: Russia wins, Ukraine loses. It should have been the other way around, whoever makes the trouble started lose the war. The cards are not like that. Ukraine probably has good cards in hand with the help they get from the Western world.

Still, Putin has a few trump cards up his sleeve that he hasn't played yet. Russia is an Empire, that's how Putin sees it, and the power of the past is in his blood. Russia's history goes back a long way. Few people remember anything about the tsars' days of power, just as the cold war is a finished chapter, the ruling dreams of the past are long gone, just not for Putin and the top brass in the Kremlin.

Democracy has had a hard time in Russia in recent years. Tyrants and democracy do not go well together. Had Putin chosen the path of democracy, history would have been different. This is the choice many leaders have: Want to rule or to lead. A leader shows the way, a ruler oppresses. Putin has chosen the latter. It will be his final. He doesn't survive. His days are numbered, as are the days of Ukraine in its current form.

Ukraine has fought a heroic battle in vain, you think, if they lose. I tell you; no struggle is in vain when it comes to democracy, charity and helping. The seeds sown all over the world by their struggle will bear fruit in the long run. Ukraine's struggle is everyone's struggle for freedom, democracy and charity. It has grown everywhere during the war.

Let Me give you an example: Everyone is somewhere ready to make his contribution to the struggle. Some open their homes to refugees, others give donations and all pay higher prices for food and fuel. Everyone is affected by the war.

Now for the hard part: Russia wins. You are going to continue the fight a little longer. The world is thrown into ragnaroks when that happens. You are all going to contribute, some by giving, others by not doing. Charity and democracy are helping. It is the only viable way forward, even if Russia wants it differently.

Love and democracy lie in everyone's hearts, including the hearts of the Russian people. Many of them suffer just as the Ukrainian people suffer: fathers, mothers and children everywhere, the war is a yoke that is heavy to bear. Many mothers, fathers and siblings have lost a child, a sister or a brother in the war. Many are orphaned. War is monstrous. Only a few earn their living from this kind of evil: the weapons manufacturers have crowned days.

When Putin is gone, and that day comes, the world will face brighter times. There will be time for reconciliation and democracy will again have wind in its sails in Russia. Ukraine will become free again, and be a country between other democratic countries and nations.”

A channeling of Julien C. H. Andersen.

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